

Fire Protection through
Oxygen Reduction

A FirePASS® oxyreduct environment is established by ventilating a room with so-called hypoxic, i.e. oxygen-reduced, air. Oxyreduct air is produced by partly filtering out oxygen from ambient atmospheric air, thus typically reducing the oxygen content to 15%, compared to the normal amount of 20.9% If the fire can not start then your critical infrastructure and equipment is protected from loss or service disruption.

Ideally suited for data center, archives, ASRS Warehousing or other applications where water based suppression is not suitable or available.

Firepass Prevention

FirePass Oxygen Reduction Fire Prevention is a revolutionary technology that is designed to prevent fire by reducing and maintaining oxygen at non-combustible levels.

FirePass has the unique ability to create an environment of breathable, controlled oxygen-reduced air that prevents fire ignition. By preventing a fire pro-actively, FirePass eliminates damage and business interruption that occurs when suppressing a fire after it has already started.

The system consists of a hypoxic air membrane generator and a distribution system which is built into standing metal cabinets; one separate hypoxic air buffer vessel, separate compressors mounted on compressed air buffer vessels plus a separate refrigerant air dryer and one separate condensate cleaner. The control unit monitors the effective O2-level in the protected areas. The system produced hypoxic air with never less that 10% O2.


FirePass can fit any application ranging from self-contained units for smaller volumes, to vast systems

for large buildings, protecting single or multiple rooms and compartments. It can be used as an alternative, but also as a complementary or supplementary option that enhances conventional fire-safety without interfering with performance.


  • Provides a safe and breathable oxygen environment
  • Patented and proven technology
  • Very small footprint
  • Plug and use
  • Multiple hazards can be protected with just one system
  • Generators require very little maintenance – a cycle of 6 months is typical
  • No nitrogen injection, so safer than other systems
  • No extensive piping
  • No expensive refilling
  • No false discharge and no discharge failures
  • Easily installed into existing premises as well as in newly built spaces
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